Litro Magazine

Litro Magazine
Litro April 2014 // Year of the Prince Extracts // Ben Crystal

Monday, 16 January 2012

Hamlet - The Contemporary World Premiere in the Original Pronunciation

Nevada Repertory Company, November 2011

Photography c/o the University of Reno, Nevada and Breed Film

Hamlet: Ben Crystal
Claudius: James Mardock
Gertrude: Emilie Meyer
Polonius: Michael Peters
Ophelia: Meghan Kirwin
Horatio: Lucas Peterson
Laertes: JJ von Nolde
Guildernstern: Drew Ernhout
Rosencrantz: Ethan Leaverton
Priest: Joe Atack
Marcellus: Matthew Hebnes
Barnardo: Wesley Gaines McNair
Francisco: Scott Davis
Ghost: David Fenimore
First Clown: Drew Ernhout
Second Clown: Ethan Leaverton
Players: Wesley Gaines McNair, Melissa Ortiz, Sarah Rodriguez, Calvin Johnson
Lord & Ladies Attending: Jefferson Croushore, Cassandra Ambe, Ashley Gong

Director: Rob Gander
Dramaturge: Eric Rasmussen
OP Consultant: David Crystal
Fight Director: Roberta Brown

"It beckons you to go away with it, / As if it some impartment did desire /
To you alone."

"That great baby you see there is not yet out of his swathing clouts."

"Get thee to a nunnery..."

"For look you how cheerfully my mother looks, and my father died within's two hours..."

"Marry, this is miching Malicho..."

"I am tame, Sir, pronounce..."

"Why do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe?"

"Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven..."

"How now? A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead!"

"And when you are desirous to be blest / I'll blessing beg of you."

"O rose of May..."

"A whoreson mad fellow's it was. Whose do you think it was?"

"Where be your jibes now?"

"If thou prate of mountains, let them throw / Millions of acres on us..."

"A hit, a very palpable hit."

"Say you so? Come on."

"Lo, here I lie, / Never to rise again. Thy mother's poisoned..."

The Jig

The Players

The Company and the Captain

Cover for Silver & Blue Magazine